Common Fears & Phobias in Dogs and How to Help Treat Them

Common Fears & Phobias in Dogs and How to Help Treat Them

Is your pup scared of thunderstorm, loud noise, strangers or a bit of everything? Here are a few of the common dog fears and how you can help them overcome it

Common dog fears:

Many sound places or things make trigger anxiety and stress in your pets. Some of these fears are rational, for example if your pet has a history of being abused before you adopted them, they will tend to be scared of strangers or other pets. 

But at times dogs are afraid of things that are in no way dangerous to them. In-fact some of the most common fears include, loud noises, loud humans, other pets, change in weather like a thunderstorm. Anytime your pet comes around these things that trigger them you can notice a mild symptom of fear like trembling, hiding or putting their tail between their legs. In rare cases they will have a severe reaction of panic which can cause them into harming themselves or others.

How you can help your dog overcome their fears?

Unfortunately seeing your pooch friend scared and anxious is never a good thing but with patience and right method you can easily help them overcome it.

  1. Ensure to not encourage the fear:

If you see your pup scared or anxious, the most natural thing you’ll do next is to comfort them. However, in your dog’s eye this can be a sign of a reward, and hence it can encourage your dog to continue the same fearful behaviour. Remain calm instead of comforting your pet. Though you shouldn’t encourage them by comforting them, punishing them isn’t an option either.

  1. Easing the fear:

A dog’s fear especially of a stranger should be managed very carefully. At times your dog will react by hiding under a bed or in a corner, but they can at times also react by growling or getting aggressive towards strangers. Try to stay calm, relaxed and upbeat when meeting strangers. Sometimes your dog’s fear of strangers can never go but it can be controlled to a certain extent. Do not ever force your dog into meeting strangers or other pets if they aren’t comfortable. In such cases a canine behaviourist and trainer can help your dog overcome their fear.

  1. Veterinary Care:

Discussing your pet’s fears and phobias with your vet is very important as they may help guide you with a few tricks and tactics to try at home. You can also consult a veterinarian behaviourist who specializes in dogs with behavioural problems like fear. Your vet in some cases will also guide you with some medications for your pet that can help them calm down.

  1. Obedience Training:

Obedience training can be very helpful in managing fearful behaviour and relieving stress. Fear of strangers can lead to excessive barking, growling, snapping and at times biting. It can be useful to work with a dog trainer or behaviourist to come up with a plan to deal with your pet’s fears of strangers.

Fearful pets can provide challenges for their owners but with patience and help from your veterinarians and dog trainers your pet can overcome their fears.