Decoding Cat Talk 101

Decoding Cat Talk 101

Some of you may think that it’s far easier to communicate with a dog than a cat. But perhaps what’s lacking is observing these furry friends and their signs and details to decode what they’re saying to us. Cats can express and communicate just as well as dogs. It yet amazes quite a few pet parents to date. Their eyes, the tone of their voice, their strange and bewildering acrobat like positions and the movement of their tail can act as great signals to understand their feelings. Reading and adhering to such signals can surely help you grow closer to your furry one and decode cat talk!

Here are some clues to help you do so:-

Playful or Content:

When you see your cat either sitting or sprawled on the floor with their eyes half open, they’re probably purring away to glory. This means that they’re really happy and content. If you look closely, their ears can also be tilted forward to suggest that they’re curious.

Irritated or Over-Stimulated:

Your cat may be upset or in an irritable mood if their pupils are dilated, ears are tilted backward and if their tail is twitching. Sometimes their own play sessions tend to overstimulate them. This in turn ends up in them either biting or scratching out of irritation. At times your cat could even growl a bit or even clench its teeth.

Nervous or anxious:

If your cat’s ears are tilted sideways or pulled back, they are often uneasy or fearful. When they are distressed, they tend to tuck their tail between their hind legs and turn their head towards a wall to shut the world out.

Frightened or startled:

We’ve all grown up seeing cats during Halloween getting startled at those who come in for trick o’ treat! They tend to arch their back, hiss and spit in a frightful manner. Their whiskers and ears are pulled back flat against their head and their fur props up as a reflex. The tail stays in an erect or low position.


Their ears are pulled back, their pupils contract while their tail can be either up or down. Generally, the fur at the end of the tail stands up as a reflex action. It can be equivalent to them having goosebumps of some sort. An aggressive cat will more so stare down, growl or yowl at the cat instead of instantly giving into the fight. That being said, they don’t shy away from battling it off!

As a pet parent, be watchful for all the signs to help you understand your feline’s feelings!