The Pure Animal Lovers (PAL) group based in Mumbai, Thane, Kalyan and Navi Mumbai tied Rakhis to street animals promising to look after them and protect them throughout the year. There were around 40 adults and 30 children who participated in this unique “Raksha Bandhan Program”.
The Pure Animal Lovers (PAL) group was established recently in September 2020 by an animal lover named Sudhir Kudalkar. Sudhir is the assistant commissioner of police. He worked with the anti-corruption bureau in Worli, Mumbai to look after the stray animals during the pandemic.
Recently, the members of PAL made a video about their views on animal cruelty and requested people to stop it, if they come across any animal cruelty cases. On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, this video was circulated on various social media platforms. The group did not only spread this message but also tied Rakhi’s to the street animals promising to protect them from any harm.
While speaking to the Hindustan Times, Sudhir stated that animals are their best companions and protectors. He mentioned that “Raksha Bandhan” is a festival in which they celebrate and embrace the bond the love and protection among siblings. On this occasion of Raksha Bandhan, they wanted to celebrate it with the stray ones by taking a pledge of protecting and looking after them.
A 27-year-old animal lover from Mulund, Mumbai named Mansi Rege, has successfully rescued more than 14 stray animals during the harsh monsoon this year. Each member of Mansi’s family has tied a Rakhi to stray dogs from their neighbourhood.