How do I care for my new Kitten?

How do I care for my new Kitten?

Got a new kitty? Congratulations on becoming a pet parent. Now that you have a young kitten to take care of, there are several basic things you will need to consider. One of the most important thing is to take your kitten to a veterinarian to get a general health check.

Here are some basic aspects of kitten care you need to consider:

  1. Make them comfortable:

The first week after you get a kitten home is the most crucial time. Take time off work and be patient during these days. Your kitten is getting used to a new surrounding with new people in it, which can take some time for them to adjust in. Do not force them to do things, if they want to sleep, let them. Forcing them can cause anxiety and stress. Keep an eye on them to understand their basic needs, their behaviour, their personality and their patterns. This can also be a perfect bonding time for you.

  1. Set-up their sleeping spot:

Give your cat a cozy corner where they can sleep peacefully without any disturbance. Possibility of your cat sleeping more during the first week is higher hence they need to have a spot they feel safe and comfortable in. Get them a soft and fuzzy bed which they can snuggle into.

  1. Set up a litter box:

Setting up a litter box in a spot which will be comfortable for your kitty is very crucial, so setting it up where there’s not much movement is always a good idea. If your cat is litter trained, they will automatically start going to the litter box once they know where it is. In case your kitty isn’t trained you can slowly start to train them. Accidents may occur a couple of times in the beginning. Do not use harsh methods to train your kitten as they won’t work and only make them fearful or aggressive towards you.

  1. Your kitten’s diet:

In the beginning stick to the diet your kitten followed before you got them and do not make any major food changes at least for a week. After a week you can slowly increase the quantity of the new food and decrease the quantity of the old one. Keeping a clean bowl of water to keep your kitten from getting dehydrated is mandatory, change the water frequently.


  1. Deworming & vaccinations:

After a week of getting your kitty home, once the kitten has settled down and is comfortable, eating well, etc. head over to your vet if your kitty is above 2 months old, get their first deworming done if it isn’t done already. You can consult your veterinarian for the same.

  1. Scratchers & Toys:

Cats old or young have a natural habit of scratching to keep their nails trimmed and clean. Hence, getting a scratcher is an absolute must to keep your furniture safe from getting damaged. Cats love to play and keeping them active and their exercise is really important, cat toys come in handy at such times.

  1. Get a collar and a tag for your kitten:

Tags with your details can be really useful in case your kitten runs out. Cat collars with little bells on it can help you understand where your kitty is when you can’t see them. Both collars and tags can come handy in case of an emergency.

With these basic tips you will have a joyful and happy little kitten in no time.